Consultancy Service for Road Condition Surveys and HDM Analysis for Preparation of Annual Maintenance Programme (AMP) 2020-21, 2021-22 & 2022-23
PROJECTNAME: Consultancy Service for Road Condition Surveys and HDM Analysis for Preparation of Annual Maintenance Programme (AMP) 2020-21, 2021-22 & 2022-23COUNTRY: PakistanPROJECTLOCATIONWITH INTHECOUNTRY: IslamabadTOTALCOSTOFTHEPROJECT: Rs.89.278MILLIONNAMEOFCLIENT: National Highways Authority (NHA)NO.OFSTAFFINVOLVED: 808ADDRESS: 28, Mauve AreaG-9/l Islamabad NO.OFSTAFFMONTHS: 32STARTDATE: (MONTH/YEAR) June2021COMPLETIONDATE: (MONTH/YEAR) May2024APPROX.VALUEOFSERVICES: Rs. 89.278MILLIONNAMEOFASSOCIATEDFIRM(S)IF ANY: M/s
Construction Management Services (CMS) for Infrastructure Development for Border Crossing Facilities Project at Torkham- Engineer, Procure and Construct
PROJECT NAME: Construction Management Services (CMS) for Infrastructure Development for Border Crossing Facilities Project at Torkham- Engineer, Procure and ConstructCOUNTRY: PakistanPROJECT LOCATION WITH IN THE COUNTRY: Torkham Border, KPK PakistanTOTAL COST OF THE PROJECT: Rs. 2000 MillionNAME OF CLIENT: National Logistic Cell (NLC)NO. OF STAFF INVOLVED: 22ADDRESS:
Strategic Development Plan SDP-2035 for Mardan City
PROJECT NAME: Strategic Development Plan SDP-2035 for Mardan CityCOUNTRY: PakistanPROJECT LOCATION WITH IN THE COUNTRY: Mardan-KPTOTAL COST OF THE PROJECT: Rs. 200 MillionNAME OF CLIENT: Urban Policy Unit, Govt. Of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, PakistanNO. OF STAFF INVOLVED: 8ADDRESS: 30-A, Jamaluddin Afghani Road, University Town PeshawarNO. OF STAFF MONTHS:
Monitoring and Evaluation of Department for International Development (DFID)
PROJECT NAME: Monitoring and Evaluation of Department for International Development (DFID) Pakistan Vital Transportation and Education Infrastructure ProjectsCOUNTRY: PakistanPROJECT LOCATION WITH IN THE COUNTRY: Malakand Agency Khyber PukhtunkhwaTOTAL COST OF THE PROJECT: Rs. 1.9 BillionNAME OF CLIENT: Department For International Development (DFID), UKNO. OF STAFF INVOLVED: 5ADDRESS:
Feasibility Study for 5-10 MW Waste to Energy Power Plant Near Karachi
PROJECT NAME: Feasibility Study for 5-10 MW Waste to Energy Power Plant Near KarachiCOUNTRY: PakistanPROJECT LOCATION WITH IN THE COUNTRY: SindhTOTAL COST OF THE PROJECT: Rs. 9.0 BillionNAME OF CLIENT: M/s Sheladia Associates, Inc of USANO. OF STAFF: 3ADDRESS: F 8/3, IslamabadNO. OF STAFF MONTHS: 11