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icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10ap to 2pm icon_widget_image Zaman Plaza, Bilal Market, Sector D-1, Phase 1, Hayatabad,Peshawar icon_widget_image 091-5812075 icon_widget_image info@pid.com.pk icon_widget_image careers@pid.com.pk

Transportation Engineering

Transportation Engineering:

Partners in Development (PID) provide superior consulting and specialist services in various areas of transportation engineering. Our team of professional engineers, scientists, technologists and support staff is committed to provide sustainable, innovative and practical solutions to public and private sector owners and operators of roadway and transportation infrastructure. We work in close collaboration with our clients.

Roads & Highways

PID provides a comprehensive range of specialist consulting services for rural roads, urban roads and highways. Our services encompass the full life cycle of road infrastructure including:

             ·         Planning – conceptual and functional planning and environmental assessment

             ·         Design – surveys, geotechnical investigation, hydrological studies, environmental, geometric and pavement design

             ·         Asset Management – Sectionalization, condition surveys, data entry and analysis in various asset management software’s like 

                    HDM-4, Street Saver, Micro Paver and finally presentation of data in the required formats

             ·         Delivery – tender package preparation, project management, quality assurance, construction management and monitoring

             ·         Operations – safety, maintenance, pavement data collection and management, and traffic engineering

             ·         Profilometer, Weigh bridges, traffic Counters PID staff is also one of few consulting firms who are trained by the manufacturers of the 

                    equipment on the operation, maintenance and data collection. This includes specialized equipment like Profilometer, Falling Weight  

                    Deflectometer (FWD), traffic counters (TIRTL) and weigh Bridges

      We can assemble teams to include specialist sub-consultants to meet the requirements of any project and client. Our ability of building teams from within PID and with our many partners allows us to bring unparalleled professional consulting expertise to each project. We provide project management, tender package preparation, contract administration, procurement, and quality assurance and monitoring services during construction and commissioning.

Transportation Planning & Traffic Engineering

We provide innovative solutions to meet the existing and future transportation demands of automobiles, trucks, buses, transit, bicycles, and pedestrians in urban, rural, and industrial environments. Our transportation & traffic engineering specialists can plan and design various measures for traffic improvement for municipal, regional and provincial government roads. We develop & apply models to project future travel conditions on road and transit networks and to devise solutions with optimal mobility and environmental benefits. Parking, access, and site circulation studies are undertaken by PID to ensure efficient operation of new development sites. Our specialists carry out Road Safety Audits on new facilities and In-Service Road Safety Reviews on existing roadways.

Infrastructure Management & Data Collection

We combine our expertise in infrastructure management and state-of-the-art data collection technologies to provide solutions to owners and operators of transportation infrastructure. Our expertise on advanced non-destructive data collection technologies which include high-speed inertial profilers, Falling Weight Deflectometers, mobile weigh bridges measure the condition and performance of transportation infrastructure including roads, bridge decks and runways. PID’s professionals provide integrated design solutions by providing turnkey solutions that optimize the use of highway facilities and allow agencies to communicate real time information to users of the network. Our areas of expertise include:

             ·         Transportation

             ·         Economics and planning

             ·         Asset Management

             ·         Feasibility and corridor studies

             ·         Environmental studies

             ·         Utility relocation

             ·         Highway design

             ·         Bridge design and maintenance

             ·         Traffic management planning

             ·         Pavement analysis

             ·         Drainage plans

             ·         Streetscape design


Whether the project is a motorway, highway, toll road, a complex interchange, a facility through an environmentally sensitive area, or a bridge, PID professionals will provide innovative, cost effective and timely solutions while minimizing disruption to its users and the environment.


Relevant Projects:

            1.      Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study for Improvement of Kargah Road Gilgit 25 Km

            2.      Vetting/Authentication of the Design & Construction Supervision of Up-gradation & Remodeling of Ring Road Southern Section 


            3.      Consultancy Services for Establishment and Implementation of Road Asset Management System for PKHA and C&W Road Networks

            4.      Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study and Detailed Design for Construction of 4 Lane Expressway from Chakdara to Kalam – N 95  

                   (133 Km)

            5.      Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study and Detailed Design for Construction of 4 Lane Expressway from Khawazakhela to Besham 

                   N 90 (64 Km)

             6.      Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study for Bridge Minawar to Muhamma Abad Gilgit

             7.      Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study for Widening and Metalling of Road from Ronao Chilas to Naran Road via Batogah Valley 

                    65 Km

             8.      Consultancy Service for Road Condition Surveys and HDM Analysis for Preparation of AMP 2020-21, 2021-22 & 2022-23

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